Looking past my five semesters as a postgraduate student, I could say that time surely fly in a rocket. It was not until recently I realised I have spent almost three years writing a thesis that just started to look like a completed thesis. I admit that I wasted so much time doing anything but writing it. Even right now I could have written one or two paragraphs on the second research question yet here I am writing some post on my blog. But trust me, this is for research purpose. I noticed these days, my writing has worsened. It is incoherent, not making senses and I tend to jump from an idea to another idea without good connecting sentence. You could say, it is almost identical to the video of the guy admitting that he is the one in that video and urged SPRM to investigate the minister for corruption. It is that bad, trust me. and it is this post purpose to help me practice with my writing. I would be lying if I said that I never regretted my choice continuing Master Research, I hon...
Assalamualaikum.. May peace be upon you.. This morning I was walking when I saw a normal tall tree with some peculiar fruits. To be honest, the fruit is on the ground. A lot of them actually. So, I picked one of them and began to observe it. It has the shape of peach fruit ,its skin is covered in a fine,velvety fur. It is strikingly red in colour and have the top like persimmons fruit. Actually it comes from the same genus with persimmon. The scientific name of it is Diospyros blancoi. After doing some researches (reading some Wiki sites) . It's edible. Yay! It have soft, creamy, pink flesh, with a taste and aroma comparable to fruit cream .That means, I will definitely pluck them next week. I was rushing to Arabic class when the encounter happened. And after the class, I have another phonetics class but I managed to pluck a ripe yellow papaya which I have eaten just now. That's the benefit of studying in UPM. You could eat fruits for free :D...
Debate against the purity of a language is not new and unique to only Bahasa Malaysia. The English language had undergone this sensational debate long time ago when the borrowing of words from Greek, Latin and French were at the utmost in the period of 1530 to 1660. Other languages such as German, Turkish, and French were also debated and said to be corrupted due to loaning words from other languages. As early as the age of middle English, Purist has been rejecting words borrowing as they believe this act contaminate the English language with inkhorn term (Sheard, 1970) as cited in (Ojeda & Cecelia, 2004). However, we should keep in mind that language change is inevitable when a language stop changing, it will be a dead language. Classical Latin is already a dead language for being static for nearly two thousand years. World changes as the technology develop. New inventions emerged, new words created and being users of the products, words are loaned. There goes the reason for loan...