Stuck between feelings.
Looking past my five semesters as a postgraduate student, I could say that time surely fly in a rocket. It was not until recently I realised I have spent almost three years writing a thesis that just started to look like a completed thesis. I admit that I wasted so much time doing anything but writing it. Even right now I could have written one or two paragraphs on the second research question yet here I am writing some post on my blog. But trust me, this is for research purpose. I noticed these days, my writing has worsened. It is incoherent, not making senses and I tend to jump from an idea to another idea without good connecting sentence. You could say, it is almost identical to the video of the guy admitting that he is the one in that video and urged SPRM to investigate the minister for corruption. It is that bad, trust me. and it is this post purpose to help me practice with my writing. I would be lying if I said that I never regretted my choice continuing Master Research, I hon...