Hello 3rd Semester UniPutra

Assalamualaikum . May peace be upon you...

The struggle is REAL every time I tried to write an entry. Even at the introduction, I often lingered for at least half an hour just to start a writing. This really bothers me. Maybe I should start any post with figuring the title first, then decides the content. But ,that obviously will violate any writing rule. Maybe...

Or ,maybe I should do some a bit of research first on the topic that I want to write and make it a little formal ,yeah like a research paper .But, I really have a strong feeling that it would be super duper boring. Like all scholar assignments .Oh. Talking about scholar, it reminds me to UniPutra. Looks like my two month and a half semester break are going to end  soon. A few days more and yeah bye bye Home and HELLO Third Semester  * imagine I said this with a wide shitty smile and grin*

I'd already arranged my schedule in a colourful timetable to ease the suffering and pain that I will suffer in next semester . And yeah ,I just figured out that I'll be taking three major courses that I considered  quite interesting . First, Syntax and Morphology. Second .Phonetics and Phonology.Lastly, Sociolinguistics. Meanwhile ,for the minor. I'd chose Applied Linguistics thus I'll be taking Literature and Language Planning. In the next post, I might be talking about those three major courses. Don't worry it is not as boring as it sounded.

That's all for now. Stay Awesome. xoxo

Saya berdoa agar NOR ASIAH BT RAZALI  mendapat 4 FLAT  pada SEMESTER ini.


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