4 a.m already -.-

Assalamualaikum wbt..

to be honest,mata da sangat mengantuk,tp jari gatal nak tekan new post.sokayy..first entry for 3 may 2012..upu kuar 7 may,so ade satu,dua,tiga.empat hari lagi je tggal..so here,I wish you all luck and may you all got what you wanted in order to pursue your study ececececece..

Good Luck,okay..mostly for my friends.hope to meet you in the future..:D
for upu,sy mtak smua asasi,so x letak harapan tggi sgt sbb 2 interview da x dpt disebabka sekarang ramai sgt manusia yg pandai2 -.- scholarship tu,jgn harap la klu x dpt straight A's..maybe pgi matrik n struggle kt sane in order to get 4 pointer,the only way to get scholarship and study overseas :D

i love him,i like you :)


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